Expert in group psychology, focusing on the quality of relationships at home and workplace
- Earned Doctorate from the Illinois School of Professional Psychology in 2012
- Director of the University of North Florida Counseling Center
- One of the 5% of licensed psychologists who are board certified
- Masters of Business Administration (MBA), 2026
Organizational Involvement
Every professional should strive to be directly involved in shaping the future of their chosen field
- Past-President of the American Board of Group Psychology
- Examiner for psychologists seeking board certification in group psychology
Professional Presentation Highlights
The best way to learn information is to teach it
- China Institute of Psychology - "Group Leadership Tasks and Skills"
- American Psychological Association -
"Adding Group psychotherapy to your practice"; “The role of Psychologists in Social Justice: Advances and advice from the frontline”
- American Group Psychotherapy Association - "Principles of Group Psychotherapy"; “Growth and Renewal: building our group training
programs from the bottom up”
- Jacksonville Naval Base - "Effective Group Leadership: Tasks, skills, and group dynamics"